Thursday, August 30, 2012

How My Journey Began: Part I

How did my juicing journey begin? I'm glad you asked. I've been juicing fruits and vegetables for about three or four months, but I first learned about juicing a little over a year ago. It all started one evening when I was browsing Facebook. One of my friends posted a status stating he had begun a juice fast (only drinking juice and water, no eating.) To me this sounded absurd, and I quickly disregarded it as a yo-yo diet that probably did more harm than good. Each day that he fasted he posted his weight loss and how he was feeling. By day five he had lost 20 lbs., without any exercise whatsoever. The weight was falling off and he claimed that he was feeling better than ever before. He started to get quite a bit of attention from his fellow Facebook friends and many of them wanted to try what he was doing and wanted to know where he heard about such a thing. It turns out he had watched a documentary and that's what started it all. I was intrigued, I didn't need or want to lose a lot of weight, but I wanted to check it out for myself. I had to know more about this documentary...


Hello all, and welcome to Mike's Juicing Journey. As you might guess, my name is Mike, and this blog is all about my personal experiences with juicing. When I talk about juicing I'm not referring to steroids or PED's (Performance Enhancing Drugs.) I'm referring to the process of making fresh fruit and vegetable juice using a juicer that extracts only the juice from fruits and veggies while excluding the pulp. I'm not a health-freak like you might imagine, just a guy who's looking for a fun, easy, and tasty way to add fruits, veggies, and all the wonderful nutrients they contain into my diet. I'm relatively new to the world of juicing, but please follow along on my journey where I'll share what I learn and love about juicing.