Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hello all, and welcome to Mike's Juicing Journey. As you might guess, my name is Mike, and this blog is all about my personal experiences with juicing. When I talk about juicing I'm not referring to steroids or PED's (Performance Enhancing Drugs.) I'm referring to the process of making fresh fruit and vegetable juice using a juicer that extracts only the juice from fruits and veggies while excluding the pulp. I'm not a health-freak like you might imagine, just a guy who's looking for a fun, easy, and tasty way to add fruits, veggies, and all the wonderful nutrients they contain into my diet. I'm relatively new to the world of juicing, but please follow along on my journey where I'll share what I learn and love about juicing.


  1. I bought a juicer a few months ago with the intent of going on a juice 'fast' to improve my health but just keep putting it off. Looking forward to your posts and hoping it pushes me to finally get started. ~Jenn

  2. So you have gave me an inspiration to try juicing, I have heard that it is a good way to get vitamins and nutrient without all stomach stuffing. I'll be monitoring this page pretty often for info. THANKS!
