Stomach Ulcers
Stomach ulcers are characterized by inflammation in the stomach, which can cause stomach pain (especially after eating and when lying down) and burning sensations in the stomach. In some cases, stomach ulcers can also result in stomach bleeding. Once thought to be primarily due to stress, since the 1990s it has been recognized that over 90 percent of all cases of stomach ulcer are caused by an overabundance of a type of bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), which some researchers now speculate can also cause stomach cancer. (However, recent research indicates that H. pylori can be a normal flora without causing ulcerations. Some researchers are now suggesting that H. pylori appears to thrive on ulcerated tissues and may not be causative.) Food allergies and the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, especially aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), as well as steroids and other types of pain relievers, can also cause stomach ulcers.
A related type of ulcer is duodenal ulcer, which affects the duodenum, the upper region of the small intestine, which is connected to the stomach by an organ known as the pylorus. Duodenal ulcers are caused by the same factors that cause stomach ulcers, including H. pylori infection.
The following juices can both relieve ulcer symptoms and help the body eliminate H. pylori infection
Juicing Recipies
- Combine 1-2 ounces wheatgrass juice in 8-16 ounces green juices (any combination of green vegetables).
- Juice 3 medium carrots, 1/4 head cabbage, 1/2 medium cucumber, and 1 garlic clove. Makes 14 ounces. Consume once daily.
- Raw potato juice can be added to carrot and celery. Consume 6 ounces twice daily.
- For duodenal ulcers. Drink raw cabbage juice throughout the day (can be mixed with carrot or celery). Consume 6 ounces three times daily.
Years ago I had H.pylori and they put me on meds which caused side effects...the natural remedies are always best if possible. Thanks for providing recipes for different ailments.